Adult Psychology Service

Asciak and Associates have provided psychological assessments and interventions to children and young people in our local area for almost 15 years. We have also grown with our young clients to continue supporting them as they enter adulthood.

Asciak and Associates offer psychological assessment and intervention services to adults, including parents and caregivers. We have found that supporting adult family members dramatically improves caregiver well-being and the outcomes of the children and young people with additional support needs.

Our practice is also particularly interested in supporting neurodivergent adults to identify and use personal strengths to their greatest advantage. We aim to assist clients in understanding what additional support or adjustments they may benefit from to reach their personal goals.

Our adult psychology service offers the following assessments:

  • Autism assessments
  • ADHD assessments
  • Cognitive assessments
  • Assessments for learning difficulties (including dyslexia)

Our adult psychology stream also offers interventions for:

  • Anxiety disorders, phobias and OCD
  • Depression and other mood disorders
  • Understanding neurodivergent personal strengths and support needs
  • Anger management
  • Communication difficulties
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Coping and adjusting to major life changes and transitions
  • Adjusting to tertiary education and study support
  • Workplace difficulties including stress and burnout
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Support for chronic health conditions

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